Berikut Informasi Jadwal Ujian Nasional 2009 Terlengkap

Departemen Pendidikan Nasional with BSNP, and Depag has agreed to schedule the execution of the Ujian Nasonal (UN) 2008/2009 academic year as follows:

- UN SMA/MA : 20 — 24 April 2009
- UN SMP/Mts : 27 — 30 April 2009

- UN SD/MI : 11 — 13 Mei 2009
- SMK/SMALB : 20 — 22 April 2009

Standar Kelulusan UN 2009
UN participants expressed passed if UN meet the standards of the following:
- Have an average value of at least 5.50 for all subjects tested,
- With a value of at least 4.00 for two at most subjects and at least 4.25 for the other subjects.

Thats why you need to kerja keras because kerja keras adalah energi kita


Materi Soal UAN SMP 2009 Bahasa Indonesia  

National Testing is in front of the eye. Now, students, teachers, and parents are in the final seconds of preparation UN.Untuk can pass, a short time this should be earnestly diefektifkan. Effective in the sense that (1) exploit for everything to do with the preparation of learning, (2) is not the time to throw things that are not useful, and (3) of the main lessons that have dipelari great opportunity to appear as a matter of the UN and tested.
In this paper, the author presents the material lessons that have great opportunities to appear as a matter of UN, particularly material Soal UAN SMP 2009 English subjects. Materials are obtained based on analysis of material shoptalk UN last three years (2003 - 2005). Based on the analysis, there are a number of problems that appear over and over, repeatedly. This is certainly reasonable, given that the curriculum is applied in this period more or less the same.
From the analysis, the conclusion is that the recurrence rate of occurrence of the problem the next year is very high. In a matter of UN English year 2006, there were 21 with the same material in 2005. If presented, recurrence is a matter of reaching 42%. Iterance materials concerning the level of the UN occurred on years ago (2007), analysis of the material there are 27 (a matter) are repeated from the next year or reach 54%. Meanwhile, the problem in 2005 that appears in the year 2007 amounted to 23 items (46%). From the shelf, can be predicted that in 2008 the percentage of this material or even a repeat of the problem years ago approximately 50%. This is to help students and teachers, if it can be shoptalk is mastered well. That means that 50% of problems that will come will be easily and correctly. So, can be said that approximately 50% of UN in 2008 has been a matter of leaking. Leak in the sense that it is predicted doal appear at this time.

Here is a material that has the potential to predict a great show for the UN in 2009 as a matter of field of study English junior.
1. The main idea
2. The main sentence
3. Fact and opinion / opinion
4. Criticism, resume, protest, and the logical response to the content of reading
5. Differences / similarities serving two text
6. Tables, charts, and maps
7. Citraan poems
8. Figure
9. Amanat story (short story, poetry, novel)
10. Background stories
11. Character actors in the story, novel, drama and
12. Conflict in the short story / novel
13. Scientific paper
14. Diary
15. Memo16. Alphabetical order
17. Order of presentation / procedures
18. Writing a list of libraries
19. Pantun
20. Theme / content of poetry, short story, the story
From these materials can be delivered on the matter of the number of tests more than 20 items.
Hopefully useful and you or your students passed UN 2009.

from: http://sultanhabnoer.wordpress.com