Berikut Informasi Jadwal Ujian Nasional 2009 Terlengkap

Departemen Pendidikan Nasional with BSNP, and Depag has agreed to schedule the execution of the Ujian Nasonal (UN) 2008/2009 academic year as follows:

- UN SMA/MA : 20 — 24 April 2009
- UN SMP/Mts : 27 — 30 April 2009

- UN SD/MI : 11 — 13 Mei 2009
- SMK/SMALB : 20 — 22 April 2009

Standar Kelulusan UN 2009
UN participants expressed passed if UN meet the standards of the following:
- Have an average value of at least 5.50 for all subjects tested,
- With a value of at least 4.00 for two at most subjects and at least 4.25 for the other subjects.

Thats why you need to kerja keras because kerja keras adalah energi kita